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THE WHITE REVIEW is delighted to announce that we will be publishing an anthology of writing in translation. The book will celebrate the important work of translators, and bring innovative and exciting writing to Anglophone readers. Submissions free and open from July 31-Sept 10.

For further info, go tohttps://www.thewhitereview.org/news_and_events/the-white-review-translation-anthology/

2023 AALITRA AGM will be held on Wednesday August 9

Members please note:

The 2023 AGM will be held on Wednesday August 9, 5:30-6:45 at RMIT 80.04.06 (with a Zoom option).

The AGM will include a short presentation by Brian Nelson on  “Translating Emile Zola’s L’Assomoir: A Question of Voice.”

If members have not received an email with attachments about the AGM already, please send an email to aalitra.australia@gmail.com with the subject line Re: AGM, and asking for the attachments, etc. and please provide an indication of your attendance.

Rhyme and Reason in Dante and the difficulty of translation: A talk by Simon West

Rhyme and Reason in Dante and the difficulty of translation: A talk by Simon West

13 June 2023

Thanks to those who attended this event, which was organised by AALITRA in assocation with COAS.IT and the Dante Alighieri Socety.

Thanks to Di Cousens for taking photos.

Applications open for Jan Michalski Foundation’s residency for writers

The Jan Michalski Foundation’s residency for writers is designed to provide an environment for creative writing and to support those involved in the written word.

General Terms and Conditions

Residences are available for all types of writers engaged in literary creation. While we give priority to writers and translators, we are also open to any other discipline as long as writing is at the heart of the project. Stays in the Jan Michalski Foundation are granted to individuals as well as pairs of writers working on a common project. The latter might include a writer and a translator, a writer and someone from another discipline, two writers, and so on.


The Jan Michalski Foundation lies at the foot of the Swiss Jura Mountains in Montricher. The village is approximately 30 minutes from Lausanne and one hour from Geneva. It is possible to reach Montricher from Morges by train.

Six “cabins” overlook Lake Geneva and the Alps while a seventh is oriented towards the forested slopes of the Jura. One final cabin serves as a kitchen and common living area where resident writers can cook together, socialize and relax.

Applications for 2024 are now open and will be accepted until September 14, 2023.

More info: https://fondation-janmichalski.com/en/residences

AALITRA and The Chinese Studies Association of Australia jointly holding a Chinese-English Translation Competition

The Chinese Studies Association of Australia and The Australian Association for Literary Translation call for submissions to a 2023 Chinese-English Translation Competition.

The Competition considers translations of Chinese texts of any genre or period into English. The length of submissions is 10-15 double-spaced pages of prose or 8-10 double-spaced pages of poetry translated into English.

Submission will also include a commentary of 800 to 1200 words (not included in submission page count) explaining their choice of text and strategies of translation. For examples of commentaries, see AALITRA Review.

Translations of previously translated texts are acceptable only if they are completely novel translations, and the commentary must justify the choice.

The winning entry will receive 250 AUD and be strongly considered for publication in AALITRA Review.

The deadline for entries will be 30 June, 2023 and should be submitted to csaa.members@sydney.edu.au. The winner will be awarded at CSAA Biennial Conference in December 2023.

Eligibility: Australian PRs & citizens or members of CSAA or AALITRA.


  • Will Gatherer (The University of Queensland) Chair
  • Jindan Ni (RMIT)
  • Tin Kei Wong (The University of Adelaide)

Join us: Chinese Studies Association of Australia 18th Biennial Conference 

Date: 7-9 December 2023
Location: The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Call for Papers: Studying Things Chinese: Challenges and Opportunities (Deadline 31 July)

Call for Applications: CSAA Travel Bursaries (Deadline 31 July)

Call for Nominations: CSAA Best Postgraduate Essay Prize (Deadline 1 October)

Call for Nominations: CSAA PhD Thesis Prize for China Studies (Deadline 1 September)

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us on csaa.members@sydney.edu.au .

More info here: https://www.csaa.org.au/2023/02/call-for-submission-2023-csaa-aalitra-chinese-english-translation-competition/#:~:text=The%20winning%20entry%20will%20receive,at%20CSAA%20in%20December%202023.

Best of Mariano Coreno. Event in Italian and in English

The Dante Alighieri Society and COASIT invite you to an evening of poetry in Italian and in English.

Tuesday 6 June 2023, 6,30-9pm
COASIT, 199 Faraday Street, Carlton 3053

This event celebrates the book launch of Best of Mariano Coreno, Italian Poet in Australia.
A selection of new poems and the most loved poems from six of his books will be presented, all with new English poetry translations by Jack Taylor with the participation of the poet.
Jack Taylor presents the English part of the book.
With Kavisha Mazzella, AM, singer, and Benedetta Ferrara.
Readings by Rosaria Mazzarotta.
Registration essential here:

Rhyme and Reason in Dante and the Difficulty of Translation A talk by Simon West



AALITRA, in association with COASIT and the Dante Alighieri Society, presents

Rhyme and Reason in Dante and the Difficulty of Translation A talk by Simon West

COASIT, 199 Faraday Street, Carlton

Tuesday 13 June 2023, 6.30-8pm

Free event. Booking essential here


There’s no rhyme or reason to it, we sometimes say, as if rhyme and reason were two distinct modes of thought. This talk explores the role of rhyme in Dante’s Divine Comedy and poetry more widely, and the challenges of ’non-reasonable’ discourse for translation.


Simon West is the author of five collections of poetry, including Carol and Ahoy, published in the Princeton Series of Contemporary Poetsand The Ladder, which was shortlisted for the 2016 Australian Prime Minister’s Literary Awards. He is also the author of Dear Muses? Essays in Poetry and the editor and translator of The Selected Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti. He lives in Melbourne.


Image: Dante holding the Divine Comedy with scenes from the Divine Comedy and Florence in the background. Fresco by Domenico di Michelino, Florence, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

Asymptote: Call For Submissions – Indonesian Special Feature

For our Summer 2023 issue, we are thrilled to partner with the Lontar Foundation to host a showcase of contemporary writing from the Indonesian—specifically literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry—to demonstrate the wealth that Indonesian Literature has to offer to the English-speaking world. Translators and authors whose work is featured in this showcase will each be paid USD80 per article. As with all sponsored showcases, submission fees will be waived; optional feedback can be requested for a fee of USD10. For translated prose, send up to 5,000 words; for poetry, up to 20 pages. Please include the original texts along with your translations. General guidelines below apply. Submit your best work via Submittable, and only if this is absolutely not possible, via email at editors@asymptotejournal.com with the subject header “INDONESIAN FEATURE”. Deadline: May 1st, 2023



The SALT Project to Promote South Asian Literature in Translation

The SALT Project will help bring the extraordinarily rich literature of the subcontinent to readers, writers, and scholars in publishing markets where it has been severely underrepresented.  https://salc.uchicago.edu/salt-project

Looking for new AALITRA Review editors for 2024

Expressions of interest are called for the position of the editor role of The Australian Association for Literary Translation’s peer-reviewed online journal, The AALITRA Review.

The AALITRA Review publishes a variety of high-quality material concerned with literary translation, and translations of literary texts with a critical introduction and commentary by the translator. It hopes to foster a community of literary translators and to be a forum for lively debate concerning
issues related to the translation of literary texts.

Two small issues per year are published, with one large special issue potentially replacing the former in alternating years. The Review’s new editor(s) will work with the journal’s editorial team, which currently includes two co-editors and editorial assistants, as needed. The new editor(s) will be appointed in mid-2023 to provide sufficient time for the current co-editors to provide a handover to the incoming editor(s), who will fully take on the role in 2024. The position is unpaid, and the expected workload for the role is roughly 2-3 hours per week on average.

Expressions of Interest are open until the close of business on Friday 21 April. Those with a PhD in Translation Studies (or near completion) are highly encouraged to apply. Those interested should send a CV and short covering statement, with information on any editorial and publishing experience to the co-editors Lola Sundin (lola.l.sundin@monash.edu) and Cristina Savin (cristina.savin@monash.edu). Successful applicants will be invited for a short interview before the final selection is made.